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Friday, 30 September 2011

Keep your head up!

I'd like to think that at the end of the day, I don't take my work home with me, but that's not necessarily the case when you're passionate about what you do. Inefficient lighting is a huge source of frustration for me. Whether eating in a restaurant, going shopping or strolling down the street, I have a habit of looking up I can't help notice lighting that is either expired, inefficient or even discontinued.
T12 fluorescent lighting is currently being phased out in North America. Both Canada and the U.S. have adopted regulations to discontinue the use of T12s. In Canada, NRCan revised the Energy Efficiency Act to limit regulations on T12 lamps and magnetic ballasts in 1993 and 1995 respectively. If your lighting fixtures are older than ten years, there's a good chance you may have T12s. Maintaining an inefficient T12 fluorescent lighting system is expensive and the necessity to change to a more energy efficient system is becoming more prevalent as remaining stocks of lamps and magnetic ballasts are depleted. The most common options are the efficient T8 or T5 fluorescent lighting and electronic ballasts.

More often than not the need for improving your business’s bottom line is the first step in moving towards, becoming a leader of energy savings. Lighting being one of the largest power consumers is also one of the most cost effective improvements that can turn around that bottom line. Initial outlay to complete any capital project has always been the main drawback to implementing any project. This no longer needs to be a problem. Why?

Fortunately, there are rebates available to help you make the change-over. Through the OPA's saveONenergy program, businesses can offset the costs of their retrofit projects to shorten their return on investment. When factoring in incentives, energy savings, maintenance savings and productivity increases due to improved lighting levels, the payback periods are very impressive.

Considering your lighting transition by replacing each light fixture as it burns out is not only an ineffective method of improving your energy efficiency and bottom line, but by doing so, you will no longer be eligible to receive funding. Once you have calculated all costs associated with completing your project in this manner (lift rentals, minimum labour rates to hire an electrician per fixture, ESA permits) as well, the loss in energy savings you could have saved completing your project on a one time basis. Are you LIGHTING the way to a more energy efficient company?

So the next time you're going to a restaurant, shopping or strolling down the street, look up and try to notice where energy is being wasted.  Just make sure you watch where you're going.

Chris LeBlanc
Energy Consultant
Dial One Wolfedale Electric
T 905-564-8999 x.284
M 647-214-0193
TF 1-800-303-7568 | F 905-564-5677
Giving You the Power!

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Completing the job properly

It’s my first kick at the can (not literally). I never would have guessed that twenty some years into my work at Wolfedale, I would be sitting here today blogging. Is this a good thing? Absolutely! I’m learning and broadening my horizons (so to speak). I have grown with Wolfedale through the lows and highs, the peaks and valleys in my various positions within the company. So, I ask myself, how will you benefit from my experience? In an industry with thousands of competitors Wolfedale continues in its efforts to remain loyal to and ensure their customer’s business is a priority. The valuable insight and knowledge I have gained through-out the years at Dial One Wolfedale Electric has afforded me the ability to share this wealth with our customers and my peers. “Giving You the Power to choose”...... the right contractor.

From beginning to end good strategic planning, processes and project management are implemented and continued throughout the project. I recall as an apprentice, filling out work orders and reports (at times it seemed endless) asking..... “Why do I need to fill out paper work?” I’m going to be an electrician. Shouldn’t paper work be completed by office people? I soon found how wrong I was and just as choosing reliable employees with good skill sets it’s all part of completing the job properly. Building a team of employees that have the same loyalty and values as the company is definitely crucial to the success of any project. Good relationships with suppliers and well maintained tools of the trade are all part of a process followed to help ensure guidelines and timelines are met. Taking precautions and specific measures where necessary Wolfedale ensures the customer’s safety and project needs are going to be met and that no employee or customer will be placed in harms’ way.

I can’t say that there is any one particular job through the years that stands out necessarily more then another. All projects have their challenges, ingenuities, innovations and great customer support. Our job is to work through the challenges with a great support team of customer and Wolfedale employees, providing the most effective and efficient solutions for our customers business. Overcoming obstacles and challenges producing exceptional results make us a better team, a better company, an electrical company of choice. For these and numerous other reasons Wolfedale Electric has become the number One electrical choice by many long term customers. It’s a Win, Win solution!

Russ Lock
Senior Account Manager
Dial One Wolfedale Electric
905-564-8999 ext
Giving You the Power!

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Giving You the Power to Choose

Every business wants to be certain that they choose the right vendor and receive the right pricing for the work they award. Dial One Wolfedale Electric gives our customers the power to do just that. How? By Giving You the Power to choose.

Dial One Wolfedale Electric provides you with the information you need to make informed decisions so you can choose the best approach for your projects based on your short and long term needs and budget. That is how we build the trust-based relationships our customers appreciate.

Our Giving You the Power philosophy extends to our employees, vendors and industry colleagues. We give our talented people the power to grow and learn so they have the opportunity to develop standard and specialized skill sets – as a result, our expert team is always ready to be assigned to your projects. We give our vendors the power of partnership; through these strong relationships we are able to better serve your business with shorter lead times and reliable supply. We give our industry the power of co-operation, taking a leadership position on issues of vital importance to us and to you, such as safety.

Dial One Wolfedale Electric – Giving YOU the Power!